Leadership Development
In Company

Some films and musical numbers remain topical. Even young people love them. So do some books around leadership and management, such as Steven Covey’s famous The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People or Dale Carnegie’s How To Win Friends & Influence People.

Our Leadership Development Programme has evolved with the small and big shifts in leadership and organisations since 2001. It is based on timeless, essential principles and proven concepts. It has since been successfully followed by thousands of employees in a wide range of sectors.

Yet every context and target group is different, which is why our menu is carefully tailored to the needs and requirements of your organisation.

We keep the size of the group limited. We work in two or three blocks of two days to build sufficient depth, practice and experience. We alternate with smart hybrid and alternative learning formats to ensure sustainable learning.

For some organisations, we add special modules, such as Horse Assisted Coaching, to the programme. Here, participants interact with horses, as these animals provide pure feedback on personal and interpersonal leadership in a unique way.

Even after the last day, the learning process continues through the buddy groups formed during the programme. They meet several times to coordinate their learning goals and progress. This expands their network of like-minded confidants.

Leadership Essentials

  • Foundations of leadership and development 
    • The power of the subconscious
    • Head, heart, belly and hands
    • HRV: Making decisions under pressure 
  • Personal leadership
    • Personality as the basis of self-leadership
    • Value-driven leadership
    • The power of beliefs
    • Our body talks
    • Targets that actually work
  • Interpersonal leadership
    • Situational: leadership, management or coaching 
    • Psychological safety: why and how?
    • 4 levels of attention
    • Out of the drama triangle
    • The Coach model
    • Dealing with conflict and resistance
  • Group dynamics & teamwork
    • Where do things usually go wrong?
    • The 5 essences of a healthy team
    • Effective and equal cooperation
    • Sociocracy 3.0: medicine for complexity
  • Dealing with change
    • Dealing with the waves of change and emotion
    • Skills for the world in transition
    • Change management roadmap 
    • How do you get them to join the transition?

Each in-company programme is tailored to the needs of the target group and your own organisation.


For over 15 years, these organisations have chosen to impart the essence of leadership to their managers in our Leadership Development programme:

In our collaboration, we ask:


dig down to the roots.


The TRUST in
your own potential and ours.


to let the results grow.